
I wrote this poem to tell the community if i didnt have a mam like i have then life would be a lot more difficult to get to grips with.
Thanks mam.


My mam has always been there for me,
Her love my heart she has the key,
I am the bairn I’m one of three,
Ones in London and ones at sea,
We’ve always had a special Bond,
A Mothers love that goes beyond,
We came together when things got bad,
A tragic loss is what we had,
My mam has always kept me right,
Kept me safe throughout this plight,
Her wealth of knowledge I can’t ignore,
Feeds my brain and helps it grow,
My mum did nursing all her life,
And give my dad a perfect wife,
To lose my partner the way I did,
A second time I would forbid,
You only ever get one mother,
So they need looked after,
You don’t get another.