Moving forward

Hello, today I fell into a hole and self harmed which haven’t done for over 10 years. I lost my mum 4 months ago my best friend, my rock my only constant. I miss and need her so much. I struggling to stay focused and to keep going through this tsunami of sadness, anxiety and loneliness. I have trust issues so am finding it incredibly difficult to share my thoughts with anyone including my husband. I wish I could see her again or have a sign that she’s with me my heart is just breaking. I’m trying to be strong for my little girl but have ongoing mental health issues that are worsening. I wish my siblings would be here for me but they are dealing with the loss of mum in their own way which doesn’t include me. I know I sound like a self obsessed for me idiot and am embarrassed with myself and my self pity.

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Hello @Littleone ,

I’m part of the Online Community team and I can see that you are new to the community - I’d like to thank you for bravely starting this thread and sharing how you are feeling. I’m really sorry to hear that you are struggling with self-harm. We know that grief can be so painful to cope with. But it’s important that you reach out for support with this; you matter and you don’t have to do this alone.

  • Samaritans are available 24/7 to talk about anything that you are worried about in confidence. You can call them on 116 123.
  • Shout are contactable by text, 24/7. You can text REMEDY to 85258 and talk to them about anything.

Sue Ryder offers an online bereavement counselling service. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this service here:

You can also make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred to counselling or other support services in your area.

Please do reach out for further support - you are important and deserve help.

Take good care,

Hi @Littleone,
Firstly I am so sorry for your loss.
I too lost my mum 5 months ago & I feel your pain. I too am devastated & cannot really function. You are not alone. :people_hugging:
My family are all trying to cope in their own ways which is different to my way of basically not functioning. We are all built differently. What we see is often not the same as what is going on below the surface. You have nothing to lose by telling your siblings you are struggling & need them. If they can’t deal with that then they just can’t & you have lost nothing by trying.

@Alex has provided some great support resources above. You do need some external help hun so please reach out to your Dr as soon as they open up. Families are brilliant but they aren’t equipped to help us navigate our way through this most devastating time.

Post on here too. You will see that lots of us are feeling the same & there’s so much goodwill & good advice on here.
Scream into a pillow, rant & do whatever to get some of the anger out.
We are all in this together. :people_hugging: