Moving on

It’s impossible for me to socialise talk to family , without mentioning my wife, my married life was always with my wife, no hobbies or socialising unless we were together, I never wanted to go anywhere without her, but now it’s a problem because any conversation with either friend’s family or new acquaintances, become uncomfortable because all my memories involve her , example your mum always said that done that , or I remember doing that with mum,
Socialising always ends up me telling people about my wife, I’m constantly apologetic



I’m the same, Luie was actually such a big part of all our lives that occasions crop up a lot when I mention his name.

No one worries about it, not even if I get a bit weepy.

Some people just don’t know what to say but it’s ok to be how you want to be, how you feel you need to be.

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Thank you for that, I’m constantly apologising to the girls because I hate making them feel emotional


Don’t apologise for talking about your wife. My husband has been gone nearly four years now and he pops up in conversation all the time with family, friends and complete strangers. Its because we loved them so much and they are still and always will be part of our lives.


Thank you for your kind words, just hearing that makes me emotional, I don’t know what’s going on with me, I just miss her so much , my wish is to join her , sorry that sounds ridiculous I know


I think we’ve all had those wishes at some point. What you are feeling is totally normal. It does not pass but in time it is easier to deal with. You learn to live with your loss and the love you shared will never stop.
My husband was a bus driver, now I am retired I’m always on the buses it brings me closer to him. You will eventually find something you shared that will bring you comfort too, but the tears will still come but not so often as time goes by.


It’s what happens behind closed doors the loneliness is unbearable, I nursed my wife 9 months with pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer, I coped because I still had her and would have given my own life if it was possible to save hers , she was remarkable, selfless until the last , how do I live without her