Multiple deaths

Firstly in Dec '22 my sister was diagnosed with cancer which she fought with all she had. Then my cousin was murdered, 6 months after that her mum ( my auntie) passed away. That brings us to December '23 my sister was told her cancer was incurable and she had 6 months to live she passed away within three weeks, I lost my sister, my best friend and it shattered me and then just last week we buried my nan, I don’t even know where my head is at the minute one day i numb and then i cant stop thinking about it all, my family is consumed by grief … they say you aren’t given anything you can’t handle but I beg to differ, I know I will never recover from this year at the moment I’m just focusing on one day at a time but even that is strenuous tommorow is my birthday and I just wish I could wake up the day after instead


I’m so sorry for your losses. I can’t imagine how you feel.
I’m struggling with losing my husband, so I understand your heartbreak

You’ve had an awful lot to take in but eventually you will find it gets more bearable. You’ll maybe never get completely over it, but you will learn to cope. Have you got anyone to talk to and to support you? Talking is good, as is crying, don’t bottle it up, just go with it.
You will find here on this forum that people will understand because were all going through the hell of grief.
Keep posting, it does help. Just knowing people are listening and understanding really helps

Sending big hugs x

Hi @Sisterovanangel - that’s so much to bear. I’m so sorry for all your losses.

I too have experienced multiple deaths in a short space of time. My mum, six months ago (and before that, my dad and a close friend who died a week after his 50th birthday). In the last month, I lost two friends in my writing group, who died suddenly within seven days of each other.

I don’t know about you, but my head is spinning and I’m struggling to process all that’s happened. It just feels far too much to take on board - and horribly unfair.

Be kind to yourself and take things slowly - and you’re not alone; I think there are a few others on this forum who have experienced multiple deaths recently. Perhaps we can all help each other x