Multiple losses in a short amount of time

Hey guys.

I’m really struggling with the loss of multiple friends in a short space of time as well as a family member.

I’m struggling to sleep, sleep walking, feeling manic and extremely depressed.

Nightmares are very frequent. I’ve got a family to look after and I’m
Really struggling with dealing with this amount of grief.

If there’s anyone else suffering the same sort of symptoms and situation it would be great to hear from you.

I’ve lost 2 friends in the last 6 weeks. I also had to bare one of them at their funeral. I can still feel the weight of his coffin on my right shoulder now even days after.

Any advice on how to cope with these losses would be extremely helpful.

Kind regards


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My ex husband was found dead in his flat on the 20/1/24 (TBH that was a relief for me ) BUT he was my sons father , on the 15/4/24 my lovely husband suddenly passed away heart attack , my son then lost his step Dad , on the 24/4/24 my cousin dies he was given 12 weeks at Christmas , then 3/6/24 a man who I have worked with for 32 years died agin cancer , and now 25/6/24 a young mother age 35 with a 4 year old daughter dies I use to work with , again cancer she just wanted to see her daughter start school ! The ages of these people 56,65,68,35 ! I am now at at stage of what next and who next ! I have an appointment with a counsellor today they will have a lot of notes to make !!

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hey cal,

i dont know how much i relate to your circumstances specifically but the nightmares i can understand very deeply, i dream of her most nights. two losses in such a small space of time must feel absolutely awful but recognising your grief and the things that follow is very important.

Hey Calmark,

I feel that we may share a bit in common as I have lost a few friends as well over the course of several years starting in 2017. Despite it being so many years ago, that weight and pain on my chest still feels the same today as it did the first night I tried to sleep.

It never goes away. Some nights, I can distract myself and fall asleep, but others I am not so lucky. The tears still come.

Here is what I do though: My parents support me. I am visiting my friend’s grave in a weeks time when I fly back. I have therapy / counseling as necessary. I spend time with my friends and family. These all help me cope with the losses.

The worst thing I did was hide in my room for months, to turn away from my support structure of friends and family. I had the exact same symptoms as yours, avoiding sleep for several days sometimes.

It is difficult to do it alone. So don’t do it alone.
A burden shared, is a burden lighter.

I hope this helps, at least a little bit.