Mum and dad

Hi I’m Zoe, I lost my amazing kind caring dad 23rd March last year. It was so hard,I really dont know how we got through those first weeks. My parents had been around 55 years and done everything together.
2 weeks after dad passing I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Mum was struggling so I didn’t tell her until the day before I went in for surgery.
Mum wasn’t looking after herself as well as we’d of liked,broken hearted and just sad. It makes me cry thinking of her like that. I had another surgery as it had spread then beginning of December I started chemotherapy. At the same time mum kind of gave up. Christmas eve the day of my second chemo we had to enlist the help of the NHS to send carers out to ensure Mum could get put of bed,dressed ,to to toilet and have food. Chemo is so hard,I’ve also 2 young sons to look after so was really difficult to be everywhere for everyone. Mum signed a respect form with her g.p to say she didn’t want to go to hospital-at all ,even for tests and wanted to be looked after at home. She passed away 4th March,nearly a year after dad. I was with her stroking her hair telling her I loved her. I have my last chemo tomorrow. I should be happy,well I am but I’m scared as I know I’m going to have to deal with both of my parents not being here anymore. Sorry for rambling I haven’t really spoke to anyone about anything. People don’t know what to say when you’ve had a berevment, put cancer into the mix and people actively avoid you incase they say the wrong thing :pensive:


Awww Zoe,

I am at a loss for words and nothing seems enough as I actually can’t begin to imagine how you are doing/coping.
You may be lost and exhausted but you are one strong lady and wish you all the best with your last chemotherapy tomorrow.

All I can offer you at this moment is blessings and hugs and there are a lot of lovely people here that may be able to offer more practical advice.

Just wanted to let you know someone was thinking of you for tomorrow :heart:

Suzanne x

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Hi Zoe,

So sorry for the loss of your amazing parents. You are dealing with so much. I can imagine how difficult these times are. Losing a parent is the worst and losing both is so unbearable. I lost my mom over a month ago. Struggling every second of the day. I can imagine how you must be feeling. Going through all of this and chemotherapy can be so difficult. I am sending you all my strength. Please feel free to talk here as much as you want. No one judges it here. Everyone is going through something similar.
Take care. Tight hug to you.

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