Mum, cat and husband


I feel apprehensive about writing on here as I actually want to talk about, my mum, my cat and my partner, not sure it’s the right place for it but don’t know where else to turn.
I lost my mum a year ago which I was struggling with on and off but had felt worse with winter and now only 2 days ago my cat got killed in a road traffic accident and I miss him terribly and can’t get certain images out of my head. I saw him on the road after and it was pretty horrific I couldn’t move him. In the same week by husband has had some biopsys done for a lump of which we await the results. I suddenly feel so scared and unsettled by everything. So many emotions, my mind won’t settle. I don’t know how to settle myself. It feels so lonely. I also have a Don to look after. I wish someone would scoop me up and look after me.


I’m very sorry for the loss of your mum. It’s a terrible thing to come to terms with and can take a long, long time to start feeling anywhere near “normal” .
The thought of your poor little cat being killed breaks my heart and I really feel for you. It must be awful, as cats are such great companions. That must have been such a terrible experience for you, I’m so very sorry for your loss & sorry for the poor little creature too.
The loss of a pet is dreadful.
I really hope your husband’s biopsy comes back with nothing for you to worry about.
Sometimes things just get too much for us in life.
This time of year with the colder weather & dark nights don’t help.
I’m thinking of you & hoping you somehow manage to feel a bit better soon.
Take care

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Tigger, I am sorry for you and I can fully understand that you feel scared and lonely. I very pleased that you felt that you could write your post, just writing sometimes brings relief. I have a cat and she’s asleep on my knee, I don’t know how I would deal with the tragic situation you have been through. I do hope that the results from the biopsy show that there’s nothing to worry about. It may be useful to think about counselling for the loss of your mum but wait until you are a little more settled regarding Don. Life is challenging at the best. Take care and I hope tomorrow is a better day. S xx


I’m so sorry to hear about your losses and the health of your husband. I lost my beloved mother three weeks ago and had a beautiful cat that was run over in 2008. I’m so sorry and I wish you the best. X

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Why oh why are beloved cats being taken. I lost my daughter July & could get through the day knowing I had to get up to feed Louie her beautiful cat . After we’d eaten he’d sit on my lap he didn’t leave my side. Had to have him put to sleep he had liver failure. So lost without him . My heart goes out to you . Sending love xx