Mum has gone

Hi , i lost my mum on the 5/11/23 . I saw her leave this world and move on , im absolutely devastated, i have to keep strong for my brother who has learning difficulties, she died from cancer, i cant stop thinking of her last minutes in this world and try to keep going for her funeral on Tuesday, its now hitting hard how much i miss her conversation in the evenings and even when she was in the hospice, i feel numb and sadness most of the time.
She was my best friend and i saw her every day , i found a video she had made to me and my brother about leaving us and i do find that comfort but i miss so so much, she was my rock , its only been a week and im on my own wishing i coukd talk to her one more time

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Hi, I’m so very sorry that you’ve lost your mum. You must be absolutely devastated, I remember speaking to you on here a while back when your mum was poorly and it was obvious how much you loved her and how close you were to her.

You will still be in terrible shock, no doubt. Even though it was expected, you can never really be prepared for such a terrible and huge loss. It’s one of the strangest feelings i found after losing my mum that, although I knew it was going to happen , I never quite believed that it would.

It is very early days for you and, unfortunately, you will find yourself reliving some of the trauma for a while but I promise you that it will ease a little with time and some of those thoughts will be replaced with happy memories. I know it’s hard to believe right now and I certainly didn’t believe it myself back in March when others told me it would happen, but I can honestly say now that it is true. I am still heartbroken of course and miss my mum enormously, but I am able to function a lot better than I did at the beginning.

You did so very much for your mum and were there for her when she needed you the most. That, together with taking care of your brother, is an awful lot to cope with and you should be really proud of yourself.

Sending love and best wishes xx

Hi Idalia77
I’m so sorry for your loss.I lost my mum over 2 and a half years ago after she suffered a stroke.It was my first experience of grief.I just wish i could say something to bring you some comfort. Thinking back to the month after i lost my mum. I was broken, the world felt wrong and didnt make sense anymore. I asked the questions what if and why did this have to happen. The first few months after losing your mum are so tough.You go through so many emotions. It is such a shock and everything feels surreal. Just know what you are feeling is completely normal and you are not alone.This community shows so much support and are just there for you when you just need someone to listen.

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I feel your pain it’s sooo hard without our parents xx