Hi Ann,
Thank you for your reply. Houses are odd really as they hold so many memories don’t they? I just want to stop having to think about the sale of the house - if I lived more locally I would possibly have wanted to keep the house but I live at a distance so it is not practical.
The dying at home versus a hospice is a difficult one. My mum had always wanted to stay at home but after a kidney crisis in March 2016 she was discharged into a nursing home. At the time we imagined that she would transition back home but that did not happen.
We discussed the hospice versus nursing home option which is rather different to your situation. However, I will comment on my experience, if I may, as it may be relevant
When Mum entered the nursing home we discussed her end of life options and had am agreed/recorded plan drawn up. Do you have an end of life plan for your Mum? I suppose the main driver is what your mum would want but you do have to balance that with what is practical and where she can receive the best care.
Have you considered a respite period in a hospice to give yourself a break? This could also help you evaluate this as an option.
We discussed moving Mum to the hospice when the time came but the nursing home staff advised us to keep her with them as she would know them. Your situation is different as you are having to cope with all the caring - how many care/nursing visits does your Mum get each day? Mum’s doctor told us we could request a place in a nursing home for respite too - could you look into that?
From what I have heard and seen the worse option is passing away in a hospital bed.
Caring for a dying person at home is incredibly tough and you have your family too look after too. It is a personal choice - can you Mum communicate her wishes now? At the end of the day you have to make an informed decision - ask your GP to help you with the choice of options and ask for some respite care.
Whatever you decide please don’t fret about getting it right. This is difficult territory and very emotional. My decision to keep Mum in the nursing home was a hard one as I know how much she always wanted to go back home but, towards the end, I knew we could not keep her safe and comfortable at home. Your mum is already at home so that makes the decision harder as if you don’t keep her there you may feel you are letting her down but you are not.
Ask the District Nurses, GP and family around you for their views and advice. At the end of the day it is a personal choice. Whatever you choose don’t forget to ask the professionals for more help and support as you are entitled to it. Do you have the Hospice at Home service involved?
Sorry for the long rambling post but maybe it will help.
Look after yourself,
Caroline xxx