How do you handle the emotional pain and guilt, if you are experiencing this of losing your loved ones. I just lie about crying.

Sorry for your loss. I lost my mum suddenly at the end of the year and still can’t believe that she is gone. Its a process you have to go through I still do that, the worse times are morning and night as you realise its another day without them. Keep posting on here there are so many who feel the same as you xx


Hi Valda, my biggest hurdle is the guilt I feel for all the things I got wrong, do you suffer with this also? If so how do you manage to cope with it?

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@daft4killie I do feel guilty at times my mum was diagnosed with osteoporosis had problems with her back for months and she battled to get scans etc as was in so much pain. I wish I had did more for her but on the other hand she was stubborn and would do it her way when I would try and push it. We used to clash because of this and I feel bad but for the last wee while I decided to accept that there was no changing her and we were fine. We all feel guilt for things but my mum never held a grudge and she would not want me to dwell on it I’m sure your mum would be the same. This journey is bad enough without putting the extra pressure on yourself.
Sending hugs.

You are right, this journey of bereavement is difficult enough without crippling yourself with guilt over things you can’t change. I think self-forgiveness is the way forward.
It would be nice to keep in touch with you.

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Yes more than welcome to keep in touch. This is one of the most difficult journeys ever been on. Focus on the positives with your mum and good memories. I am going away for a couple of days with my son at Easter she always came with us so will be strange without her. It’s also her birthday next week, another difficult hurdle to get past my close friends and I are going to go out for lunch (their suggestion). Told them to be prepared for me being a mess. :sob: Don’t be hard on yourself and reach out anytime xx

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