
I lost my mom suddenly on the 8th of September 2020. She was 44 and leaves behind me and my two brothers who are younger than me. I’m 23 btw. She died of complications with her lungs due to fibroids. Which was unexpected and so abrupt as she complained of the pains and was booked for surgery the next day which was the 9th but passed on the 8th. It was unexpected and so sudden. I live abroad so I was not present when she passed and hadn’t seen her since January when I went home last. I do not know if I survive this pain. I’ve never been so confused and hurt in my life. I’ve cried, screamed, broken things but it’s so overwhelming. My younger brothers 19 and 21 are so hurt as well. I do not know what to do. I’m also praying for my dad as it’s his wife for 20 plus years.

I’m so sorry for you, your brothers and Dad, I can fully understand how you are feeling, I lost my Mum suddenly from a heart attack, but both my Mum and myself were a lot older than you and your family are, you are in shock, there is nothing that any of you could of done, but guilt is one of the numerous emotions you will all be going through at the moment, hopefully you will find this site supportive, sending love to you all xx

Thank you very much for your words. They are helpful. I don’t know how or when I’ll get over this stage. Hoping for light soon.

It’s very early days, you just have to take one day at a time, some will be better than others, but you will come out the other end, just don’t expect too much of yourself, we are all here for you, whether you want to rant and just want some support, everybody on here has been through a bereavement of some sort so we do understand xx

Thank you :pray:t5:

I’m so very sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost mine on the 26th of October, she passed away in her sleep (awaiting coroner’s report to see why she died). I’m 21 years old. It’s so heartbreaking to lose someone so suddenly and not being able to say goodbye. My mother was my absolute best friend and rock. Thinking about the memories made with our mothers, while also grieving in our own way will hopefully allow us in time to continue with life, knowing that their memory lives on in us forever. My dad has also been married to my mother for 20+ years and I also worry about him, but just letting him know that you are there for him, even if it be a phone call, will hopefully help him too.