
I saw my mum last Tuesday and she was fine! Wednesday morning I had to watch her being resuscitated on! Sadly on Saturday we had to turn her ventilator off they said she had no brain activity! I can’t accept she’s gone!!! There was no warning or no goodbye
I’m struggling so much !!!

Hi debbie, I’m really sorry to hear about your mum, what a awful thing to have to go through, I lost my mum in July, she had secondary liver cancer, we had only just over 6 weeks and she was gone, I cared for her until the end and was with her , but it doesn’t take away the anger, guilt and feelings of feeling lost, I miss her so much, I’ve cried every day, wish I could know shes ok, hopefully shes found her mum, it’s the not knowing, some people have had dreams about their loved ones or had signs of their presence but I’ve had nothing, talking on here does help in some way to know your not on your own, this journey we are all on is so heartbreaking I really don’t know how people get through it, you are in my thoughts, try and stay strong, keep in touch on here
Lynn x

Hi to you both Debbie and Lynn,
I am so sorry to hear of your losses - my mum died on 26th June and then devastatingly my dad died on Sunday. I was with my mum at home when she died and watched my dad die also at home via video call as my brother rang me for help.
I’m in physical pain … just can’t handle it all and have no idea how any one gets through this.
I think you are so right Lynn, talking to others can help and maybe its easier in communities like this with people you don’t know. Love to you both, be kind to yourselves and take baby steps - let’s keep in touch xx
Cat xx

Hi cat, words can’t describe how you must be feeling to lose both parents in such a short time, my heart goes out to you life is so cruel sometimes I’m struggling to come to terms with my mum being gone, sometimes it’s so surreal I’m not sure its hit me 100% yet I miss her so much I’m waiting for counselling to see if that will help no one can prepare you for the loss feeling and pain of losing a loved one I really don’t know how you are coping , losing one parent is hard enough, its going to be a tough journey for all of us hopefully we can help each other through this, your are in my thoughts , take one day at a time , keep in touch
Lynn xx