
Hi tomorrow will be a yr that I last saw my mum in hospital I’m so fortunate that I got to spend the day with her along with my brother and sister and daughter we weren’t ment to because of covid but the nurses let us I hope she knew we were there she passed away a day later I miss her so much and still can’t register that she is no longer with us I will miss her for the rest of my life xxx

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Dear @aed

Apologies for the delay in replying. How are you coping today? Losing a loved one is hard to process and you must not put pressure on yourself to feel better or move on. Grief takes time and you must take it at your pace.

You can connect with members here on the forum under the topic Losing a parent who have experienced what you are going through. The support here is incredible.

Please continue to reach out here and you, your brother and sister take care of yourself.
