
I recently lost my mum

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Hi Melissa,

Do you want to talk about it? Recently lost my mum too. We are all here for each other on this site. You can be honest about how you are feeling as we are or have all felt the same probably. Thinking of you.

Nic x

Hi thank you for your reply I’m totally lost and overwhelmed and emotional

My mum went 7 weeks ago. Felt like that in the first few days and weeks. I’m still lost and emotional now. But they don’t all overwhelm me at once at the moment. Keep talking…… it does help.
Nic x

I lost mum on 17 March I’m lost and don’t know what to

Do you have any family or friends that are supporting you?

No I don’t my dad has shut me down

Ok. I’ve not spoken to my dad since my mum went. They weren’t together anymore but he’s not called or anything. Friends have all stopped messaging also. I’ve had more support from the lovely people on here than from anyone else. That’s what it’s for. To talk about how you’re feeling and to speak with others who know what you’re going through even though we all grieve differently
Nic x

I’m just so lost

I know. I know some people call the Samaritans as talking to someone can be helpful. Or you can look into bereavement counselling. You can apply to do some on here which or there is another website called cruise that offer bereavement counselling. And there is always the people on here you can always talk to.