
I wish I had time capsule so I. Could see her my mum listened to me when no one else will

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Dear @Roses

I am sure all of us here can identify with your post. Losing a parent leaves a big hole in our lives. You are not not alone as we are all here to listen to you and the support is amazing.

Have you considered talking to your mum out aloud, this is a normal part of the grieving process. There is nothing wrong with this. It can even help you maintain the bond you had with her when she was alive, It is ok and healthy to do this. Many people find comfort in doing this.

We are all here for you, you are not alone. Please continue to reach out at any time.

Take care.


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My dad think Iā€™m crazy for talking out loud to her my life is even harder without her I feel like I lost everything

Dear @Roses

You are not crazy for talking out aloud to your mum. I still talk to my dad out aloud after 17 years, it is good for the soul and will help you with the grieving process. Do what you think is right for you and brings comfort to you. You are bound to feel lost but in time you will learn to accept your mum is not coming back.

You might find this resource of help and support to you. It is a blog on Losing a Parent . This may be of help and support to you at this time. You can also connect with members here who have been in a similar situation as yourself by typing in the search bar Loss of Parent. The support is incredible.

Please continue to reach out and take care of yourself.
