
I’m 25 and lost mum almost 2 years ago suddenly to a heart attack, I was there from the hospital to the end. There was a lot of family upset and drama. I can speak about her most of the time as it still doesnt feel real and I laugh a lot of it off but then the reality comes on so intensely and I really struggle with the waves of her loss and disbelief. Does anyone else feel this way? Have I grieved enough and when does it get easier? I’m graduating from my degree next month and it’s not going to be right without her cheering from the crowd.

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Hi, im sorry to read about the loss of your mum. Im 23 and I lost my mum three years ago to cancer. It all happened very quickly as she was diagnosed at the end of February and died the beginning of May so by the time I had began to realise that she wasn’t going to be okay she was already in the last stage of her illness. I still have times where I think how on earth has this happened and how has it been three years since I lost her so you’re not alone in how you feel. I think its very easy to shut off from the reality of what happened and try to hide from the pain by moving forward. It seems for me its the big moments like new jobs or moving house when it all becomes real again. Hope this helps you feel like your not the only one who feels like this.


Thank you for your reply, I’m sorry about your mum too, i understand how you sit in denial for a while but atleast she will have felt your positivity and hope. It’s just difficult isn’t it. It’s the anniversaries of things that are hard too don’t you think? I wonder sometimes if it will become easier. I’m just so frustrated at myself for being upset as it won’t change anything and it’s best to just move on, I wish it was as easy to do as it is to say. Hope your well x