
I lost my mum nearly 5 years ago. I miss her so much. My family don’t speak since her passing. My husband is very ill and I’m all alone. I sit here wishing I could have an hour with her again. I have no family and feel very alone. Selfish I know but that how I feel.

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum and for how alone you’re feeling. The community is here for you :blue_heart:

I know some of our members find keeping a grief journal to be helpful. Maybe you could try it as a way of talking to your mum? We have some tips on how to get started on our Grief Guide:

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support but I just wanted you to know you have been heard.

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I’m so sorry you are still grieving the loss of your mum - especially at a time when your husband is ill and you could probably do with her support
Just take things a day at a time. Is the either support you could access ? Dont be afraid to ask.
And there’s always support on here - keep posting and folk will always understand and offer some kindness and encouragement xx

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