Mums birthday

Hi i am really struggling, it would have been Mums 89th birthday today and i feel so overwhelmed with grief i can’t stop crying we lost mum January 2021. Sometimes i feel ok but today all i want to do is lie in my bed and cry I miss her so much x


Hi jj123,

I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your mum. I can understand why today must feel so difficult for you. Milestones such as birthdays bring grief back to the surface and it can feel as raw as the very early stages when you first lost them. I don’t know if this will help but It is really normal to have this resurgence of grief around key moments/dates and it can feel very overwhelming to be back in that headspace again. Please be kind to yourself and allow yourself to feel what you need to feel to make it through today. Sometimes it helps to talk it out, are you able to speak to someone you trust about how you’re feeling today?
You may not find this helpful but I also light a candle when it’s a key event as a way of acknowledging it. I’m not very good at expressing how I feel in words so having something physical there that highlights the event helps a bit.
Try and do something good for you today, a walk perhaps? I personally like to grab a coffee to go and go somewhere with a nice view so I can think and let the rollercoaster of feelings run their course.
You are not alone in feeling like this. Take care of yourself and be proud of the journey you have made as you have already come so far. You are stronger than you think and today will understandably be hard but you will make it through. x


Hi LilMia
Thank you so much for replying, it means a lot x I know she is never off my thoughts but today is so difficult and overwhelming. I am lucky as my Husband is very supportive, and my dogs give great cuddles, but just feel so desperate today. I will try and get dressed and go for a walk but like the idea of a candle you suggested, something simple but helpful. I really hope you are ok too sending love back x

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So sorry for the loss of your Mum i lost my Mum oct 2019 and my Husband oct last year my Mums birthday was the 8th feb and my husbands was the 8th jan so i can understand how hard it is for you x

Hi Sue

so sorry for your loss i really hope you’re doing “ok”…though i loved dad we lost him in 2017 losing mum hit hardest as it seems so final and a part of my childhood went to if that makes sense, sending love x

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Yes it does make sense i lost my Dad 2003 but when i lost my Mum it felt like i was all on my own i have three brothers but was so close to my mum i cared for her in her last few months

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Hi jj123,
Just want to say my mum passed on Dec 30th 22 and she was also 89 and would have been 90 next May.I was going to do something special for her and feel so sad she has gone now and I can’t do anything. I know I feel the same as you when it’s her birthday. Let me know if you managed to do anything to ease the pain
Thinking of you

Hi Deborah, thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about Mum it’s so hard isn’t it? Some days i’m ok but birthdays I find so difficult. I went for a walk but mostly stayed in bed yesterday…today i feel a bit stronger. I really appreciate you replying and sending much love back to you x