Mums Birthday

Well today is my mums birthday she would have been 75, first one without her. For her it would just have been another day but I would have made a fuss over her. She has been gone just over 3 months and it feels like an eternity. She was my son and I security blanket, always there for us no matter what and this journey we are on without her seems empty. Just to hear her voice again or her roll her eyes when she is not impressed.
My 3 close friends are coming over later and we are going out for an afternoon tea, their suggestion as wanted to do something and also don’t want me to be on my own.
For the first time since she has been gone I got a white feather on Monday, I cried for the rest of the night as I knew that she was with me then yesterday a song that she and my son danced to when he was younger came on the radio.
Miss her so much and today I will raise a wee glass to a very special lady. :broken_heart:


Thank you for sharing this with us, @Valda - thinking of you and your lovely mum today :blue_heart:

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Hi Valda,

I am thinking of you. Birthdays and anniversaries are so difficult. I hope you enjoy afternoon tea on your mum’s special day. They are always near us, I really believe it.


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Thank you its been a very emotional day and so many lovely messages from people who knew her and miss her for the small things that she did but meant so much. My friends have been great they have been there since I lost her helping me with the house etc. Another difficult day without her but when I was out walking a Robin flew in front of me and her name is Estelle and when we were in the restaurant the singer who has the same name her song came on :sparkling_heart:


Oh i had a white feather this week its definitely a sign.
Hope you had a nice afternoon tea that was one of our traditions for ever occasion afternoon tea and a glass of presseco.
Am sure today wasnt the same or how you imagined spending the day and i bet every other minute you were thinking about your mum like we all do they are in our thoughts and hearts forever.
Sounds like she was with you all the time with your signs today
Lots of hugs

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Yes afternoon tea with a glass of fizz and I had bought a nice gin that I was saving for her birthday so we had that. Not what I had planned but got my signs today from her, I put her music on and one of her favourite songs came on to. It was lovely talking about her and they knew her so well to. :sparkling_heart: