Mums gone

Hi people I lost my mum on 18th of November I am 59 yes old my mum was in and out of hospital for the last few months . She always bounced back and it was an awful shock when she died I was given 28 days to empty her housing association property but I was on my own with very little help I cleared the vast majority of it but wasn’t physically or mentally able to do the attic now the housing association is wanting to charge me for this and I am at my lowest ebb am I responsible for this ? Any help would be appreciated thank you

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I am so sorry to hear of your mum and I, like many here, feel your pain completely x

Do you have any friends or family that can help do the attic or maybe a charity could help?

Think it’s so ridiculous they want to charge you but that’s what companies are largely like now unfortunately :disappointed:

Keep posting here as it does seem to help xx