Mums Work

So my uncle who has managed to avoid covid for 3 years caught it and ended up in hospital. I went to visit him and it’s the same one my mum worked at for over 30 years. I didn’t think anything of it until I got there and just fell apart. Where I would pick her up, went past the whole in the wall as she called it (cash machine) that she took her money out, the domestic office she was literally everywhere and that’s all I could picture was her in her work uniform in the place she loved working. I don’t think there is a ward in that hospital she didn’t work in. I remember her colleague saying I can see her with her trolley in the corridors. My uncle even said if your mum was here she would be in to visit me. I miss her more than ever just to pop in and have a chat and rant to her about me moving house. When does this journey get easier :broken_heart:

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Hi @Valda ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

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