My 50th Birthday

Tomorrow I “celebrate “ my 50th Birthday. A year to the day since we were told my Mums illness was terminal. From finding out she had cancer to her passing turned out to be only three weeks. We immediately brought her home from hospital to care for her in her last weeks.
Only 7 weeks later my dear Dad took unwell and died a week later. It has been the worst year of my life. However I am still standing God only knows how. Thanks to my family, friends, some unbelievable counselling from the Sue Ryder Charity and by reaching out to people who have or are going through similar experiences. I have tried to let any love in that people are willing to offer and whilst nothing will ever fill the enormous excruciating gap left by my Mum and Dad I do feel this has helped. I never knew what grief was like until a year ago. Now I do and I send all the love in the world to anyone who is currently suffering xx


@Fifi73 I wish you a peaceful birthday for tomorrow. It sounds like you have had some really caring support from many people.


My goodness what a devastating shock for you. I hope you’re able to mark your birthday as a celebration of life. You have made it through the last year and it sounds like you’ve had some good support.

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@Fifi73 happy 50th birthday! So sorry for your losses in such a short space of time how devastating. Raise a glass to them both, I’m sure they are watching over you.
Valda :sparkling_heart:

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I am so completely sorry for your loss … Such a short space of time to come to terms with everything. I wish you a happy 50th birthday and a day filled with all the things and people that make you happy. Even though it’s so sad that your parents can’t be there to celebrate your 50th year.
You’re further along than me and I want to know will it all hit me later ?
My Mum died suddenly in November just before Xmas and it hit me like a stab to the heart. I mourned, I wore black, we organised the funeral my Dad and brother and I was just starting to stop the daily crying and focussed on getting back to work.
Unbelievably I found my Dad deceased on his sofa exactly one week ago. It was only 18.5 weeks since Mum!! I feel numb and so lonely. My husband doesn’t support me and we have very young children. It’s awful


@DeeLs that’s so devastating so sorry for your losses. There are no words and thinking of you at this time, so heart breaking :sparkling_heart:


Thank you Valda X you’re right there really are no words to take it away x


Heartbreaking :broken_heart: I hope you have support from friends or other family. Sending strength and courage to you…xxx