My 8 year old daughter is struggling

Hi everyone we lost my father in law to a brain tumour 3 weeks ago and my 8 year old daughter is really struggling. She is so emotional and cries over the smallest thing which isn’t her at all, she doesn’t like to talk about Grandad at the moment and I’m struggling with how to help her.

I think maybe you could ask her if she would like to draw a picture of how she is feeling. Or ask her to write something about her grandad. And try and take it from there. She might not know how to verbalise it. You could get a book for her there are a few good ones on Amazon.

Thank you I will try that I have also just ordered some books on Amazon as well so hopefully that will help

Dear LDixon21,

You may find some helpful advice in these articles on how to support children in their grief:

It does have a link to some books as well.
I think it is good that she can cry. Even if she does not want to talk about her granddad at the moment, at least she shows her emotions. Just knowing your love and that you are there for her is probably the best thing you can do at this time,
