My beautiful mum has passed away 6 days ago šŸ˜¢

Hi jacks65
I donā€™t know how you deal with such a lot of grief in a short time. I lost my parents 16 weeks apart and that was bad enough.
Take care of yourself, your grief will be very raw .
I canā€™t settle to anything. I keep starting things, but donā€™t finish them . Itā€™s a hard road .


Itā€™s doing whatever gets you through. If belonging to a spiritual group brings you some peace and comfort then thats great.
I wish you all the best. I dont know what awaits me when my time comes.

None of us do, that was another reason to join spiritual group. I got lucky there as I made friends with person who runs it. Done a few sessions on FB. Dealing with loss changes you and your views.