My beautiful mum has passed away 6 days ago šŸ˜¢

My mum passed away this Monday. My brother phoned me to tellā€¦i ran straight to my mum.i lay ,stroking and kissing herā€¦
Im heartbroken.cant stop crying.cant sleep.i need my mum.oh god this hurts so much. :cry:


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss @Myangel1960
Please take care of yourself.



Im so sorry x I lost my mum on the 6th January and itā€™s really hard. Iā€™m here if you need to talk xx

Iā€™m here too.
I lost my Dad in July and my Mum in November last year.
Iā€™m so exhausted , I have a sinking feeling in my stomach all the time, canā€™t sleep, concentrate or eat.
I feel like this will never end .
Here if I can help anyone .

I donā€™t know about anyone else on here, but 1 day fades into another. Not much changes really. Iā€™m still in the same flat that I shared with mum since 82. Canā€™t go to work or get full financial support. Life just hell!

Hi Keith66
That sounds so tough. I hope positive change comes your way soon. Itā€™s so hard to see a way out when we are stuck in this cycle of grief and hurt. Youā€™re not alone.

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Yea I know, all we can do is live day by day and hope things improve for us in all sorts of ways. Itā€™s not just grief but thereā€™s a whole raft of things that come with it. We just donā€™t think or realize what the full fallout is when we lose someone really close to us.

Finding life hard today. Grief comes in waves for me, the silent phone is a killer.
I spoke with my parents every day. Lost them both within 4 months.
No idea how to process this.
Hiding in a book today.

I think doing things to distract you is without a doubt a key element. I took that same thinking on board. You have to do whatever is important to get you by.

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I understand how you feel, its so difficult to comprehend, my mum died yesterday morning and I really donā€™t know what to do?if you want to connect with me and maybe we can help each other?all i want to do is see my mum again and tell her how much I love her :sparkling_heart:.

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Hi im new here.I lost my parents 9 days apart before xmas.I just dont know how to act or cope at moment.

Give yourself plenty of time to grief and to get on top of things. Lifeā€™s not a race, so you go at your pace, no one elseā€™s. If you got good people round you then use them. Failing that thereā€™s always here but dealing with death is a personal journey tailored made to the individual.

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You going to think about them, you canā€™t avoid that. Someone told me once that your parents live in in you and I think there might be some truth to that. Keep posting!

@Annie139 I totally relate to what youā€™re saying. I lost my mum on 6th January and although the initial shock has subsided now, Iā€™m still finding it hard to adapt to this new life Iā€™ve been handed. I lived with mum and am an only child so everythingā€™s been on my shoulders and itā€™s overwhelming.
Most of the practical informing people stuff has been done now and i really donā€™t know how i got through but think i was on autopilot.
Grief coming in waves is exactly how it is for me as Iā€™ll be reasonably ok, then it will hit me from nowhere. That happened yesterday evening. I still havent cleared mumā€™s stuff from the bedroom as i canā€™t face it yet.
Iā€™m actually registered disabled and dealing with the DWP as my situation has changed has been stressful in itself. The way ive explained it to people is that my brain is like a fairground carousel at the moment with all these things going round and round saying ā€œdeal with me, deal with meā€, but my brain will only allow me to do a couple of things

Hi @Keith68

Iā€™m in pretty much the same situation. I lived with mum since 1997 and am an only child. My mum passed on 6th Jan and since then ive just been in a foggy blur. I managed to deal with the practical informing people stuff and i really dont know how i got through that.
For me, the grief comes in waves which make me feel completely lost and alone. I recently got notification from the council that ive been awarded tenancy succession. This was bitter sweet for me as it means ive got somewhere to live but itā€™s also highlighted the fact that mumā€™s not here and that Iā€™m alone

I really understand you, My mum passed in August 23, like you I had lived with mum since birth basically. I like you took this property on after mum had passed. I didnā€™t know how to respond to becoming the tenant. I remember telling a neighbour about it and she was happy for me. At the time there was a lot of work needed doing and I saw that as a mountain to climb. But yes itā€™s not the same since mum passed, it never will be either for me or you. I think I said earlier you do need to give yourself plenty of time. Do things when you can, gradually deciding what you going to keep and what you notā€¦ Itā€™s going to take though! Iā€™ve had to deal with quite a serious health thing too so my life been turned upside down.


I totally understand. I have rheumatoid arthritis and dealing with the dwp for myself let alone all the stuff to do with mum has been so stressful.
At the moment, my brain is only able to deal with a couple of things a day before i get totally stressed and exhausted but Iā€™m kind of working out what my new limitations are.

For me itā€™s building my life what I got left and then dealing with the consequences. They say we get a life review when we pass. I belong to a spiritual group on FB.

So sorry for your loss. All I can say is take each day as it comes and do whatever you feel is right. There is no right and wrongs .
Take care .

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Hi CatDaddy71
Iā€™m so sorry for your loss.
There is no right or wrong way in grief, and no rush to clear your mumā€™s room. Do things at your pace , and do what feels right for you.
Iā€™ve started staying in bed a wee but longer, just to shorten the days .

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