I posted here a couple weeks ago about losing my mum. It was the worst thing ive ever had to deal with. Well i dodnt think it could get any worse. Mym passed away on 10th december, she had tk have a postmortem because it was sudden and unexpected, we knew it would be pneumania and it came back it was. The coroner phoned me at 8.59am with the cause of death, i had the death certificate by 2.30pm and met with the funeral directors the very next morning. The funeral directors aaid they coulsnt collect her body until i paid the deposit, so i goes the next morning and pays (20th december) £848. They then gave me a date for funeral which is 16th January 2025, now that is a long way from 10th december. So i had been ringing them all the time to get no answer, or to be told they would ring me back, which they never. They finally ring and aay to bring mums clothes down so they can dress her so i took them (30th dec) they said she was in their head office so i kept asking again and again, because of the time frame can i come and see her before things start to change as i dont want my last image of my mum to be when i found her. They said no, so i asked if i couls see her in the mortuary, they said no. So i keep asking miltiple times of the coming days. Fast forward to last Thursday, they rang and said i cant have mum coffin lid open as nature has started to take it course, so me being just as stubborn and hard headed as my mum absolutely refused to allow them to put the lid on until i have seen her. So i goes the next day (last friday) i had to sign a disclaimer that said they cant be held responsible for my mental instability after seeing my mum and i take full responsibility of anybody else who sees her. So i goes in to my mums room and i was not prepared for what i seen, i cant even describe what i seen in that room. They have destroyed her. My legs went out from under me, i completely hit the floor, screaming. I shouted at the woman is this some sort of sick joke? Yous have brought me into somebody elses chapel because that is not my mum! She said it is my mum. Then they proceeded to blame the coroner for all the damage done to my mum because of the post mortem and then told me mum hadnt been embalmed and coroner advised them not to embalm, which is why she is decomposing. So I done my research and a postmortem does not do any of this damage. So yesterday i got my auntie to phone coroner with all my questions and gave permission for her to speak on my behalf because i was too angry to talk. The coroner forwarded me the email they sent to funeral directors on 18th dec 24 saying rhey had 48 hours to collect her to do embalming straught away, they left her there until 31st dec. So they told mw on 30th dec she was in their head office, that was a lie. They didnt even dress her in her own clothes, they dressed her in a white nun gown. The coroner then sent me an email saying at no point did they tell the FD not to embalm my mum but it was necessary due to post mortem and the ling time frame in-between. I have full bscking of coroner and not to drop it because they have done my mum a disservice and disrespected her and when we have tries to get in touch with undertakers society to make a complaint, they arent even a member of that, which they claim they are. The city coroners have all had a meeting about these FD as they are incompetent. Now ive got my mum home right now in her final resting place until her journey to heaven on thursday, but non of the family can say their proper goodbyes or give her any keep sakes or norhing because ive had to keep the lid closed due to the damage they have done to her. I am not letting this go and i will get justice for my mum. My mum and my kids are my everything. Family and friends used to joke to us and say cut the cord as we was joined at the hip. I just feel so lost without her and i really am struggling with how to carry on without her. I am stood in the kitched right now and its absolute torture to know she is in the living room right now, in the coffin with all the damage done to her. I just cant wrap my head around it. Its killing me. Thursday is going to kill me. The only peace i have is that she is on the other side with my dad. If you have read this far thank you.
I not read all what you put, but I had a friend experience like that, who died from Pancreatic Cancer and it is a shock. I went to the hospital the day mum passed I spoke to the nurse who had looked after mum over the last few days. After a lengthy period of time had passed and that the nurse told me mum looked peaceful I plucked up the courage to go into the room and yes mum did look peaceful and died in her sleep by the look of it. The worse thing you can do is see a loved loss 1 weeks after passing. It haunts you and it’s not the way you want to remember your mum. Hence they made you sign something waiving away their responsibility. The way I look at it is this that’s not your mum it’s a decomposing shell. I learnt from my friend never to put myself through that again. But obviously seeing mum a few hours after her passing wasn’t too bad. As my mum died in her mum’s birthday I’m now convinced mum is with her mum in heaven
I had a quick Google, and you can complain to the National Association of Funeral Directors. I wish you luck . I detest professional incompetence and negligence.
What you have been put through @Col92 is beyond awful. I am so sorry that this has happened. It’s hard to believe that such funeral directors exist. My heart really does go out to you.
I wish you strength to get through this awful time & hope you have close family to support you
Just wanted to say how shocking and heartbreaking this is. I can’t imagine the pain you are going through.
I have no words of comfort to give except you have been doing brace to share all this and I am doing glad other people have replied with such support.
Thinking of you
Im speechless and so sorry this has happened to you. Grief is bad enough but all this on top sounds unbearable. I can only hope you get some kind of justice for your lovely mum
Hi keith68,
My mum passed on the 13th December and I saw her twice in the new year, she hadn’t been embalmed and she look fine and very peaceful, I suppose it depends how well they are treated at the FD x
I am so angry that you have been treated this way and I am so sorry for your loss.
I hope you get some answers.
Will be thinking of you xx
We emailed them and they said that the fuenral dorectors we went with arent actually a member of this evem though thwy claim to be. I actually have a solicitor now and am pursuing this in the coming weeks
Thank you for pursuing this. I can’t bear to think of all the other families like yourself they have done this to & will continue to if folks like yourself don’t stop them.
@Col92 My heart just breaks for you having to go through this. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling, grief is bad enough but my word? That’s just horrific. Please keep going as best you can against the FD if you can even call them that. Monsters would be more apt.
Sending love your way.