My beautiful son shaun-jnr 💙

I am so sad most days since the loss of my son shaun-jnr who was 19 when he passed away in 2010 and I have neglected my two other children because I really have not had much time for them because I have not been able to, through my own selfish feelings for the loss of shaun-jnr I guess I have just not wanted what I can have my kerri and Lloyd and only wanted what I couldn’t have shaun-jnr. So I really have been a shitty mum .I am now looking for support and understanding the crazy games and thoughts I have going on in my head…

Hi Lisa , one thing you find out on this site is that so many others feel the same. I lost my son also , last year and my head is so full of so much stuff that I have nothing left to give anyone else and I also feel guilty and a selfish person. I have another son but all I can talk about is my own grief. It is not too late however , your other children are still alive so tell them how much you love them to, it is never too late for love. I don’t think anything can help us get over the loss of our child , it is all consuming and we just have to get up and live each day as best we can. You can have counselling here on sue Ryder or talk to your doctor for help. Losing a child is something we never imagine so can not be prepared for and our whole world changes. I hope you can find some help, you obviously loved your son so much and we are only human so don’t beat yourself up too much. Please read others posts on this site , you will find so much support here. Take care .

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