My beautiful son

I lost my 31 year old son on 1st December 23 through a tragic RTA.My life has been turned upside down.Im broken and lost atm.I feel so alone even though i have fantastic family/friends support.I dont know how to support my 23 yr old daughter who is also broken .:broken_heart::broken_heart:


Hello @Broken67 . Iโ€™m so sorry for the loss of your son. My son, 25, passed away on Christmas Eve and I am still trying to process it all. Itโ€™s totally heartbreaking and I have a constant feeling of dread when I wake each morning but I have an older son who needs me and he is giving me strength to get through each day. All I can do to support my son is to give him his own space when he needs it and to listen to him when he wants to talk. We can only take it one day at a time and not torture ourselves with thinking about what we could have done differently because I know from past experience, it doesnโ€™t change what has happened. There are many people on this forum who can offer better support. You arenโ€™t alone on here and it has helped me just to type down feelings.x


Hi i lost my precious son aaron last August in a van fire from carbon monoxide poisoning i have no idea how ive even got through the last 6 months and nearly 3 weeks. I never have a good day and ny breakdowns are horrific!! I cry every single day and it feels likr bloody torture!!! I just take one day at a time and believe me some days i have wanted to give up and hin come and take me!!, but i have his 2 children to look after an 8 year old and a 4 month old baby .i have 2 older children as well that i have to think about as well but believe me this is not easy and i have felt thrown into a black pit of darkness that i see no way out!! Aaron was 34 when he died and every single day i feel enormous pain inside that noone understands unless they are going through it themselves xxx


One day at a time,baby steps forward.It is incredibly hard to just get up and function for the day.I think what my son would say to me in my worst hours of the day.I talk to him and message him my feelings everyday cos i need to send all my love somewhere.Sue3p your not alone on this very hard sad journey.Take time for you to grieve


Sending love to you all. Such a difficult painful journey we have been forced upon.
Life for some seems so easy. Life for me and for many on t his site seems to be survival mode, in terms of avoiding the hurt spreading out further.
Hope you find the strength to carry on caring for your loved ones, to me you are amazing just to continue to be. That is amazing. Keep going you can do this xxx
Xxxxxxxx Lynne xxxx