My Beloved Dad

My Dad passed away just over 2 weeks ago. I miss him so much. I was there when he took his last breath and I keep getting flash backs.
I keep waking up in the early hours with the worst anxiety. I have never know pain like it.


Sorry to hear about your dad, i still have bad dreams of remember holding my mums hand in hospital i wasn’t there when she passed though the hospital wouldn’t let us due to covid.
Its not easy you will have bad days its important to try get moving eventually it will be less hurtful try remember the good times.

Thank you Ronnie.
It would have been Dads birthday today. Bless him.
Sorry to hear about your Mum. It’s so hard isn’t it.

Yes it so hard maybe try do something nice for yourself on his birthday im sure he would have liked that.

My Mum, Sister and Niece (and our little dog) are going out for a meal tonight.
I really don’t want to go, but I know Dad would want me to.

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Try your best and take your time if you need a moment excuse yourself.
Sending love

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Thank you x

Hi Roberta,

I’m very sorry for your loss.

I lost my Father in November 2022, shortly after a cancer diagnosis. We were very close, he is my best friend and I miss him so much.

I was with my father in the hospice when he took his last breath and I also struggle with flash backs of this. It is very traumatic to watch your father pass away and being unable to do anything to fix the situation.

My dad’s birthday was in January (2 months after he passed). I found it comforting to get him a card and to have a meal with my mum and brother. I hope you find comfort spending time with your family on your dad’s special day.

Sending hugs.

Hi Roberta,
My dad passed in November. All the people here understand your pain. Please keep talking. We send you love.

Thank you so much xx