My Bestie

I lost my Fiancé, Soulmate and Bestie in May last year. Life will never be the same.

Dear Sha,
It is so sad that like so many others in this pandemic you did not have the chance to give your fiance the funeral you would have wanted. That must have added more heartache to the pain you already experienced from losing him. I can understand that you feel like you have not been able to get closure. For me personally, when I lost my parents, being involved in planning the funeral, attending it, and having a grave to visit all helped in the grieving process. They died a few years ago, so there were no restrictions, but my mother-in-law died in November and only some of her family could be there. She was cremated, and her sons are now planning a day for the wider family to celebrate her life when they scatter her ashes. I hope that for her sister and others who could not attend her funeral, that will help to give them some closure, even though as you rightly say: life will never be the same.
It is good that you have joined this online community where we all try to support each other, I hope that you will find it helpful to read other people’s posts and replies.

Sorry for your loss. I’m 59 lost my husband to cancer in the first lockdown March 2020 we did have a funeral but restrictions to 6. I am also a retired nurse but went back part time I also have a husky. So sorry you could not have closure but we will ever. Take care

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Hi Kim
I’m 57 my fiancé died May 2nd last year. We could have no funeral. He was cremated on his own. He was on a hospital ward and then ICU on his own with no family able to visit. We could have no closure.
I also have a dog that is half husky she has one blue and one brown eye. She has kept me going. My family are very good too. I’m staying with my mum and dad and my daughter and son visit when they can.