My birthday today

Today is my birthday. I’m getting through the day well since losing my mum in May this year. I’m her only daughter and we meant the world to each other. I visit the cemetery most days. Been today. Always pray and ask for a sign. Today, especially with it being my birthday, I thought I may feel her presence or get a sign… but nothing. Don’t know why I feel a little let down today over this. Am I reading too much into this, and then feeling disappointed because I feel or don’t get any signs, today of all days?


Hi - Happy Birthday to you. I know it is possibly not the birthday you want without your mum, but hope you can make the best of it. I really hope you get a sign or feel her presence in some way. Take care & try to enjoy your day. All the best, Alison xx :people_hugging:


Awww thanks… guess I feel a little deflated because I feel or see nothing today. x


There is time yet, amazing things can happen sometimes. x


Ah it’s so hard, having expectations and then being disappointed. It sounds like you should be proud of yourself for coping well with each day after losing your Mum. I hope your day has sparks of joy in it and you are able to remember some lovely memories of your Mum too. Birthday best wishes to you xx


Youareunbelievable: I feel you so much. :heart: Only daughter too, had a super strong relation with my mum. Signs will come!! Birthdays are just so hard. I used to send her flowers for my birthday every year. I learnt that from a friend: she said that on our birthday we should send flowers to our mums because they were doing all the work on that day X years ago! So since then we swapped roles: I sent my mum flowers rather than the other way around. Last year, on my birthday, I didn’t have anyone to send them to so I made a donation to a homeless charity (an issue close to out heart). Her birthday is harder though. I also go on her grave & cry. I think I’m seeing signs. That’s why I hope you will too. Once I heard her voice saying “I’ve gone away” (I was half asleep so it could be a dream). I took it as “I’m just somewhere else”. I don’t dream of her much (sadly) but I see her favourite birds, and the roses in her garden have become incredibly flowery. Of course, there’s a scientific explanation for everything but I hope these are signs. She always said “if there’s a way to get in touch, I will”. Your mum will find a way too. Just not the way you expect. Sometimes signs are v small. Maybe just finding the strength to cope is a sign she’s sending you that strength. Sending you love & hope.


Oh thank you so much. Lovely through these tough times. I look for signs, but maybe too much. I know they will come. Take care. xx


@youareunbelievable I felt the same on my Birthday. Dad died weeks before it in March & I thought I’d get some kind of acknowledgment as he always made a fuss but nothing & tbh if it wasn’t for my mum & family, I’d have gladly ignored the event. I hope you have some special moments this week to make up for it. X