My boyfriend lost his wife ( mother of his kids)

Hello everyone- I am seeking advice for that my boyfriend recently lost his wife in January 2023. We started dating before her death in December 2022.

Now he told me to give him time since he has to fully grieve and has work, his MBA ( will be graduating this December) , his grandparents visiting, and his kids and feels overwhelmed.

His birthday is coming up May 7 should I reach out to him then? That would be like a month since we talked . Like say sending you warm wishes on your birthday and leave it as that.

Or should I just give him all the space and just wait for him to come back if he ever comes back?

Not sure how to go about this because for like almost 4 months we talked at least once every day, then I spent like 2 weeks at his place , then he texted me sorry I been distanced since your departure from my place but to give him time. He also said I feel for some reason thoughtful about my situation. I am sure you saw redness in my eyes when you were around and thatā€™s because my heart still hurting for my wife passing.

His wife battled cancer for like 4 years and they were in process of a divorce but could t complete it due to her sickness.

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having gone through a bad relationship where he was unsure about me throughout, I would do the above. despite the tragedy in his life, with things like this I leave it alone, entirely alone. ā€œflee me IĀ“ll follow, follow me IĀ“ll flee,ā€ seems to ring true in romance. just my two cents ā€¦

Thank you for your advice , he actually came back on his own .

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that was the best way :slightly_smiling_face: