My Brother


I lost my brother 12 weeks ago . He was 49
He died from cancer 13 days after diagnosis . I miss him so much , he was my younger brother , friend and almost like my first child .
I think things are less raw some days and then its like a volcano.
I had physical symptoms of pain …like my heart hurt . I got it checked out and all good . Never expected to feel this physically ill.
Time they say is a healer but cant imagine a day when i think of him and smile , he would have wanted that but its so hard.

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Hello @Siobhan2,

I can see you’re new to the community. I hope you find it to be a support to you, but I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother that brings you here.

You are not alone. You might want to reach out to @Janie6. They have also lost their brother to cancer, at the same age. You can read their thread here, where other members whom have lost their brothers share their stories, too:

You may also find these Sue Ryder resources helpful as you cope with grief.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out.

Take care,

Hello Siobhan,

Thinking of you at this sad and awful time. My story is very similar to yours. I lost my brother aged 49 after a short illness of six weeks x his funeral was last week and it doesnt seem real x I am always here to talk and I understand xxxx Janie x

Hi Janie ,

Im so sorry that we are both in this place .
Its so brutal and makes no sense .
Its been 12 weeks tomorrow for me . I have struggled most days and have read every book on Grief. I began a journal but stopped …
I guess we have to build a life around grief .
He would want me too , but he also knows how much i love him and would understand why its been so hard to

I fought so hard to get him the correct diagnosis …and care.
He eventually got into a sue ryder hospice and had a peaceful passing thanks to them
Thank you for replying to my message xx

Hello Siobhan x thanks for your message x I completely understand and our stories are very similar x my brother Alex was also in a hospice 5 days before he died so suddenly x and I too am feeling pain physically.

If it’s ok I will send you my details x

Hi .

Yes thats fine x