My brothers actions regarding my dad

My dad died by suicide 12 years ago and om Tuesday my half brother went to the papers and sold his story regarding what happened that day with information regarding the afterrmath. He thinks he doing good to raise awareness for sucide however hes posted all my fathers person business in papers n social media x

This triggered me off as myself and my other brother were not consulted and our kids dont know my father died by suicide i am raging and my brother who did this had me blocked on social media and unblocked me to ask what my problem was he proceeded to say if it wasnt for him i woukdnt have got a cord at the funeral.

I blocked him after calling him selfish. I asked the paper to take it down however they havent listened… im struggling with the anger…

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I’m so sorry to read this @Ksitbs - what an awful situation to be in. Not defending your half brother at all, but maybe he genuinely thought him getting this “out there” was to raise awareness. If that wasn’t the case, however, then its a very cruel thing to do to you, your other sibling and your children. Would now be the time to have a conversation with the children about why your Dad took the action he did (if you know and if they’re of an age when they’d understand)? Sadly, with your half brother doing what he did, he’s taken away your control on who knows you and your Dad’s business. Try not to be too angry as it eats you up, not your half brother. I don’t think that is in anyway an easy thing to do and I’d feel exactly as you currently do but if you can, try to concentrate on looking after yourself and your family and get through this horrible time. You must have dealt with such heart ache after your Dad passed, all this now seems so unfair on you and your family to be going over old wounds again. Sending much :heart:

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He believes he has done a good thing…

But me n my other brother disagree as my dads business was discussed in detail even the headstone was in paper and where he was buried. The article didnt mention dads other family just him and his sons when there are loads of us.

He made it all about him and that hes doing this great thing about suicide awareness when in reality him and his mother drove my dad to it… my other brother and I believe he feels guilt and thats why doing this.

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Oh that’s so sad @Ksitbs, what a situation for you to be dealing with. I guess all you can do right now is support each other through this. If why you think this happened to your Dad, then your half brother must be dealing with a whole load of guilt and could be why he is doing all of this. Must have eaten him up for years.
Just hold onto your own memories of your Dad and relive the happier times with your brother and rest of your family

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Thank you for your reply its really helped me xx

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@Ksitbs - you’re so welcome :heart: :heart: :heart: