My cousin can’t reach out after losing her baby girl💔👼

Help me! My cousin lost her 18 month old daughter 2 days after Christmas Day with no explanation of why. It’s been almost a month since my beloved baby cousin has been buried and her mama is so lost!:broken_heart:she can’t even open up to her own mother, who is on the verge of having a nervous breakdown due to the heartbreaking loss and me and my family are all trying to come to terms on how to support my grieving cousin. I’m worried about both of them and I don’t know how to help them!:sob::sob:


Dear @AllieG_007

I am so sorry for the loss of your cousins daughter. Thank you for bravely reaching out to help her.

Many of our members have experienced the devastating loss of a child and will understand some of what your cousin is going through. She may want to reach out to these organisations, too.

  • Child Bereavement UK support families with the loss of a child. They also support bereaved children. You can call their helpline on 0800 02 888 40.
  • The Compassionate Friends support families who have lost a child of any age. You can call them on 0345 123 2304

Sue Ryder also has some resources which can help you cope with grief.

Thank you again for bravely sharing and for wanting to help your cousin. Please keep reaching out and know that your cousin and you are not alone.

Take care.
