My dad died 2 weeks ago

Hi I’m new joined today needed some support so searched and found you here it’s very raw about losing my dad cos it was 2 weeks ago and would like to know how others are managing please say hi to me


Hi @Pixiee
Welcome, though I’m really sorry you find yourself here under these sad circumstances.
This community is lovely and always there to listen x


Hi Pixiee, sorry to hear this. You’ll find lots of people who can relate, on this forum :yellow_heart:.

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@Pixiee hey, sorry you’re in this situation. You’re amongst ppl that understand how awful grief is. Taking things slowly & hour by hour is my advice. There’s no short cut thru grief. Take care. X

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Hi I’m new here too - my dad died 2 weeks ago today,

I feel totally lost like everything is the same but I feel totally different.

I went back to work today and in between my normal day to day job I was arranging the final things for my dads funeral next week.

I can’t sleep at night cause I’m scared of sleeping for some strange reason?

Death and grief are really hard to navigate.

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Hi Pixiee, sorry to hear about your loss, like many on here I am always happy to have a chat and it can be about anything. It’s tough but you have took a positive step in reaching out x

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Feeling scared of sleeping is not daft. I was the same in the early days, scared of being scared I guess. Not knowing if going to sleep will make you feel worse, if you ever need a chat give me a shout x


Awww I’m here for you if u want to chat it’s horrible I know

Yea like when I wake up will I have the dread feeling know what u mean

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That’s what it is - I’m scared of being scared I think. It’s really irrational? But it’s such a strong feeling.

Yes I open my eyes and the feelings flood in. I feel like I’m hurtling through time sometimes and other times I feel like I’m just an observer. It really is hard to navigate isn’t it.

It’s not irrational at all, grief doesn’t have a set of instructions on how to deal with it. Everyone is different but I think at times people are too scared to say how they feel because they think they are the only ones feeling it, when in reality a lot of people feel the same way x


Hello my lovely, i feel your pain. I lost my dad 29th Dec. Its was very unexpected.
I dont think you ever stop grieving, but hopefully talking to individuals on here family and friends will help. I talk about my dad every single day.
When dad passed away i threw myself into organising everything and wasnt really looking after myself but now i am taking time out for myself although im still going through the grieving process and will be for a long time.

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