My dad

I never thought at 18 years old i’d loose my dad , he was my best friend the only man that meant anything to me . I find myself completely broken . Lost and given up :disappointed:


I am so sorry your lost your Dad
Please don’t give up
I know it’s devastating & broke your heartt
That your Dad died
It’s like no other pain I know
I lost my Dad last year still hard to beleive he’s really gone & will never be part of my life now really hurts :broken_heart:
Have you family or friends that you can talk to
Or a counsellor
This forum is good where you will hopefully find comfort and support from others going through similar or some kind of loss
Take a day at a time be kind to yourself
Take care
Sending hugs :heart:
Sometimes it helps to open up a wee bit
Glad you came on this site where

I’m so so sorry to read this, I’m 31 and feel like I was too young to have lost my dad last week so I can’t even imagine how you must feel at such a young age. I’m finding even at my age hardly anyone I know has gone through the loss of their dad which I’m so pleased about for them but it’s hard to find people to relate to in this situation so I hope you can find some comfort from knowing your not alone from this site x