My dad

My dad passed away 18th May 2021 . I’m finding it really hard to accept as it just feels I’ve not seen him for awhile and not the fact that I won’t see him again .

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Hi Helen, I am sorry for you loss and it is sad it was a while since you last saw him… I’m sure that must make what happened even harder, you’re probably filled with guilt… Hopefully you find many lovely people in this community that can relate with you and offer advice and wisdom or just a shoulder to lean on… Again I’m sorry for your loss… You hang in there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi Helen. I lost my dad over 6 months ago from COVID and sometimes I still feel like I am waiting to see him again. Some days I can accept what happened and others it just seems impossible. Take it a day at a time. Not sure if it helps to look at photos, etc - I haven’t been able to face that for a while as it seems too sad. Maybe you have friends who have had similar losses to speak to, or siblings? Take care

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So sorry for your loss . Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply amidst your own grief , it means alot to me . Its just so hard to speak to anyone , we aren’t a close family and my dad’s passing has showed me that even more . Is there anyway I can help you , please feel free to message me xx

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Thankyou for replying to my post . I had seen my dad the day before he passed away as we were all at the hospital to say goodbye to him . Sorry for the confusion . My dad was a lovely man and had a great life and he has left a massive hole in all our lives xx

Hi Helen, I’m so sorry for the loss of your father, I lost my mum on July 10th she was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer & i cared for her at home so she could be with my dad & the rest of the family, she lasted 6 weeks at home & I miss her so much, my life feels lost & so empty even though I have 2 brothers & 2 really wonderful daughters, I feel guilty I couldn’t heal her, angry cos shes gone & life around me just seems to carry on, I’m 58 & feel like a little girl lost, life can be so cruel sometimes, I feel your pain, it’s so hard, people say it gets better with time but I don’t know how, people on here have been so kind with their messages & I do hope we all get through this, you are in my thoughts, keep in touch,
Take care
Lynn xx

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Hi Lynn
Thankyou so much for taking the time to message me . I am so sorry for the loss of your mum . I do so feel your pain . I’m 56 and feel the same as you . It seems to be hitting me harder as time goes along . I don’t have a large family and my dad was the glue of our family as now he’s not here we don’t seem to bother with each other at all . It’s a very lonely path at the moment . Keep in touch too xx