My darling husband

I lost my husband so suddenly decembrr 2021. It was so sudden. I miss him so much. I hate life without him. He was my rock. Does the pain ever get easier


Hello @Sallyricky,

I’m so sorry for the loss of your darling husband.

I’m glad that you’ve been able to share how you are feeling here and I hope that you find the community a good source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help you right now.

Take good care - you are not alone.


Hi @Sallyricky …so sorry for your loss and that you find yourself in this group that none of us wanted to join.
I also lost my husband very suddenly 9 months ago today. He went out on a bike ride 5 days earlier and never came home again … was in ICU for 5 days till they turned his life support off.
At the moment I would say you are still in shock … it took about 3 months for me to accept he wasn;t actually coming home. … Yes, it still hurts today, but, it is a more manageable pain. There are obvious triggers that will set me off … but on the whole I am finding each day easier.
I will never forget my husband and the love we shared … the memories we still had to make … just the day to day companionship …after being together 47 years its hard to be alone, but, it will get a little easier for you. Hang in there… and post in here where everybody understands your pain…


Sally Ricky
I lost my husband December 2020 so one year ahead of you. I can’t say it gets easier but I think you learn to deal with it better and how to distract yourself more. I still find it so hard to go to bed on my own but gradually I am starting to do things on my own but I still wish I didn’t have to.


Sending hugs @Sallyricky, I’m behind you in time but I think the fact that I am so busy is helping me cope plus I have my younger daughter with a learning disability still living with me so I’m not on my own much. We are all different in how we deal with loss but I would suggest looking at the post from @Walan called Things That Help. Some great advice expressed clearly.

Karen xxx

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Good to hear from you and your comment about it being easier to deal with makes sense to me. I still miss Richard every day but I can get on with other things most of the time.
Karen xxx

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Hello Sally
I feel your pain I lost my husband just 2 years ago tbe pain never seems to go away I miss him terribly sending you hugs xxx