My darling wife

My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a partner mine was 46 years together i visit her grave every week and i miss her so much it is 12 months next week and i am feeling the loss now she will not come back home forever :broken_heart:


Rocky49 thankyou. I lost my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue on the 1st February last year. Just feel so empty and alone


Rocky49a lost my darling wife 14th feb pain insde unbearable so lost


Gibbo.i can understand how you feel. Its been just over a year since I lost my gorgeous beautiful late wife sue. I still have days when I cry .were all here on the same journey

Its been nearly five years since losing my wife i dont cry very often now and can remember the good times we had more than the sad times but the lump missing in my heart is still there miss her very much and go to her grave every week pain does ease over time hope this helps


Martyn2 yes it very hard feel as if in a daze take care

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My wife died suddenly of a cardiac arrest september 21 , we were a team for 23 years i met her on my birthday she was the best present i ever received and i miss her dearly . What i can say is in my experience is that an auto pilot kicks in and you carry on with the mundane things like working cleaning the usual day to day but i am a shadow of the person i was and its clear to see as friends and family have said the same . Everyday is a chore rather then a pleasure but you will survive and you will carry on . Revel in the great memories and try to direct the love you have into other things , i have found i have so much love to give that would have been directed to my wife that i now enjoy helping my brothers and friends and step children and giving to them instead .Its a small thing but the pleasure it brings makes the days better .


Well spoken words take care


It’s been 15 months since I lost my beautiful Ann. I look at pictures/ videos of her every day as I can’t believe that she has gone. That awful monster called cancer took her from me. We met at school and was married for 49 years, we were going to do so much in our retirement years our plans our dreams but we didn’t make it. Now I’m totally lost as my life has become a lonely desolate place without her. Yes, I have family and friends so you might say they can help can’t they? Which they can to a certain degree, but not when grief grips you, as you know that feeling, suddenly an image of of that beautiful girl that made you the happiest man in the world has gone forever. I’m not a violent man but It makes me want to punch holes out of cancer.


oh gosh i feel your pain totally. I’ve lost my husband of 48 years 6weeks ago. I’m just lost in the pain. I’m not going to say stay strong.
that’s c…p. I’m screaming every day.
hugs x


Be strong as much as you can for the sake of your family who have no idea what your going through. We will always feel pain and anguish as that is what passing of the best thing that you have ever had in this life, has left you. x


Thank you. its the toughest thing I’ve ever known. So painful.

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I don’t pretend to know how you feel after 12 months, as I lost my partner 5 weeks ago, but I feel I know what you are going through. You wake up alone in the morning, you come into an empty house, you hear a song that you both loved, and it brings such painful memories back. I know what you are going through and if you are like me, I now have another 12 months of tears, pain and anguish, so, we ask ourselves, does it ever get better?

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