My dear Mother

My dear Mother recently passed away, im still expecting my mum to ring or walk through the door. I was with my mum when she passed away and i re-live the experience most days.i miss her terribly and it’s not registered or i cant except that shes passed away.

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Hello Luke120912,

Welcome to this community. I’m very sorry to hear that your dear mother recently passed away. It’s common to find it difficult to accept or register such a significant loss and that’s something others in this community have talked about before.

I’m sure you’ll get some supportive replies from other community members who understand what you’re going through soon, but in the meantime perhaps you could have a look at some of the posts in the losing a parent category.

We also have an article on our website about coping with bereavement that might be worth a read through:

Let me know if there’s anything I can do to support you.

Take care,

Hi, I understand exactly how you feel. I was present at my mum’s passing (26/1/17), I can picture it as clear today as I did then, likewise it replays in my mind almost daily. I also keep expecting a call or to see my mum, especially in all the places we used to go together, I guess it’s perfectly normal to feel this way because you desperately want these things. I sadly, discovered my dad had passed (21/2/17)- I found him on the floor in their home - something else that I can’t get out of my head. You said your mum passed recently, it’s early days, I’m not going to say that you will ever accept it ( I know I haven’t). Personally I feel I miss my mum more now and it’s coming up for 2 years. I was my mum’s main carer, so therefore, spent at awful lot of time with both my parents. I’m trying to focus on living without both parents - which believe me is so difficult, especially over Christmas.
Take care

Thank you for replying and im very sorry for your loss,i feel that its some comfort for someone else to recognise certain feelings and emotions. Especially this time of year when your meant to be celebrating. Take care and thank you.

Thank you very much i do take some comfort knowing other people understand and can relate to where im at and what’s happened. Many thanks Eleanor.