My dearest brother

I lost my only sibling in May this year, within a week of being diagnosed with acute leukaemia, he had a brain haemorrhage and sadly died. He died in Spain and due to Covid and work commitments I waa unable to see him for almost two years. My grief is endless. The day following his diagnosis I’d bookrd flights and a hotel for 3 nights. Understanding myself and a family member could take turns to see and stay ICU. Instead, I had to arrange cremation and return of his ashes and personal belongings. The most dreadful time for me personally.

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I’m so sorry for your loss, I can empathise with the loss of a sibling as my younger sister died last July with cancer, it had spread but the drs weren’t checking just treating her for infections, we weren’t expecting it either, you feel totally robbed and traumatised, it’s a year later and I have days of coping but still the pain of loss can stop your heart for a split second and then the crying starts again. My Dad died 4 weeks ago yesterday with a brain hemorrhage, he was found on his bathroom floor, the sheltered housing he was in left the blood for us to clean up, it was horrendous it was myself and my remaining sister to my Dad that did the funeral and cancelling his life, I hope you have support from friends and other family members, it is all so raw just now for you, take it hour by hour, there’s no time on grief and everyone is so different, my thoughts and prayers are with you. X


Thank you so much for your kindness. This is my first post on this site. I really feel truly sorry foryour losses too. Life can be so cruel at times.
Day to day life is so difficult, I haven’t returned to work yet but will need to at some point soon and I really don’t know how I will cope. Still so much to do as trying to sort things out with Spanish authorities is taking its toll. I have very close friends and family who are a great source of comfort but naturally can’t be here always.
I hope you are getting lots of support too. Sending love to you.

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