My dog had to be put down

Hello every one my dog had been put down i still feel sost with out him


Hello Johnphillips, I am so sorry about your loss. Most people would say it is just an animal but I lost my two dogs and know that it is not true. It hurts and I still have their leash, collar, and even their favourite plate in the house although they died years ago. Sending love and hugs.


I get very upset when pets die. Missed them all and never forget them. Someone at work years ago said it is only a cat.


Hi Johnphillips. When we loose our fur babies it hurts so much in 2021 i lost my 2 male collies and last year had to have my lovely collie Misty put to sleep it broke my heart on top of loosing my husband Peter to covid in 2020 my life will never be the same without them all so i know how you feel. Love and hugs to you.


Hi Jen, i know how you feel, we had to have our 13 year old collie put to sleep in August 2021 as we got up one morning and the poor girl had gone off her legs completely. She had been struggling with her back legs, sometimes she would go down but left for a little while she could get up again. My son and husband had to take her to the vets i couldnt do it, then suddenly i lost my husband December same year. 6 months later my other dog a Jackie Russell was found to have a tumour which needed removing immediately, i was told she might not survive, i got home and broke down, i couldnt take much more. Thankfully she pulled through although she now is checked regularly as it could return but so far she is in the clear.
People may say that they are just a dog or a cat but they are family and we love them unconditionally.


same i got his dog coler and his haeri i cep his toy and his balls



yes its a pet but when u had it a long time its you baby so when it passes a way its hard top say good by

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same love and hugs to you its not nice loosing family / pets it is soo hard to say good by

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food balls

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Pets are very dear and awful when tragedy occurs