My first post about my grief

Last year I lost my grandmother who raised me since I was a baby, and my uncle who was the only father figure I had.

It all feels so surreal.

The police coming to my door, calling funeral homes, sorting out the family house.

Feels like it happened to someone else. Maybe that’s just my mind trying to cope with it all.

I never asked for guidance about grieving but now I wish I had. I can’t cope with the smallest of things anymore and I hate that I am here without them.

I can’t listen to music without hearing my uncle that he loves this song, or cook without my grandmother telling me not to forget the next ingredient or step in the recipe.

Silly things that I used to roll my eyes about that now I would give anything to hear again.


Sending hugs. Youre processing and that’s good. Try and remember the happy memories too. They would be proud of you.

I really feel for you. Whilst nothing I can say will make the situation change. Your mind is trying to cope with it all and there’s an element of shock where your mind is trying somehow to protect you from what I have heard which I guess makes sense. Try and take it one day and time and talk to people as much as you can

Hi @BexBecauseX5452
I sorry to hear of your losses, that ls so sad to loose 2 people close together that were so important to you.
I can relate to how you are feeling now, for me its been 7 months since my mum died suddendly and unexpectedly. I too dealt with all the practical stuff like the house and probate, and the funeral. I think i was going through the motions in a state of shock. Its now that i think the grief is hitting me hard, i find everything so difficult and i miss her so much. I still cant really belive it. I had counselling at the start which helped me through the initially anxiety and shock but now i feel i need bereavement counselling to help with this stage. What is reassuring on this site is to know that other people can understand as they have been through the same, it makes me feel i am not alone