My first post

Hi, just to introduce myself really. Less than a month ago I lost my soulmate and partner of 28 years. It has been a traumatic 3 years really and now the funeral and all the “busy ness” is over, I’m left alone with our 2 dogs. We were everything to each other, best friends, workmates and never really sought out much company, although I have lots of acquaintances.
I feel dead inside as I’m sure you all understand and at the moment prefer my own company. I just can’t summon up any interest in anything which is difficult as I run my own business in the hospitality sector. I earn good money but can’t really see the point when there is no one now to enjoy it with. Who knows what’s round the corner but at present life holds just emptiness and loneliness.


Hi Coe I’m so sorry for your loss . I lost my partner 14 weeks ago he was the love of my life my soulmate my world one minute he was here the next gone he passed away suddenly. I still feel the same as I did when he left me empty lonely and still can’t believe it. I don’t see anyone or go out as I now get panic attacks. It’s the worst pain I have ever felt and I see no end to it .
I found this site by accident as it’s been a god send I hope you find it useful please take care
Sending hugs

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Hi Coe,
I lost my wife four weeks ago, 30 years together…ahhh…still raw writing that in black and white.
Two dogs left here with me, bless them their old boy and girl now.
Staffie bitch that’s got to be 15 now, and a shitsu cross westie cross jack Russel that’s about the same age…with little man syndrome, ha ha,
Oh they know things have changed alright, keep looking past me when I come home, This site really helps me, nothing else does really. We all have a common unity, that no one else feels.
Day by day…no plans and no promises.


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Hi Janeet, I’m so sorry for your loss and thanks for responding to my post. I have found this community very helpful already and have been reading many posts. Life will never be the same and I really can’t see a way forward at the moment but maybe in time? … take very good care.

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Hi Foggy,
Looks like we are both in the early stages. I have 2 dogs who are the reason for me keeping going at the moment - a 5 year old boxer and 3 year old bulldog. They were our family as we had no children. Thanks so much for replying and take care.

Hi CCE, I’m so sorry for you, I know how you feel. I lost my partner 8 weeks ago, suddenly to heart attack, only aged 44. I’ve just gone back to work as being at home now that all the necessities are over I’m struggling with my thoughts. So hard trying to “be normal” when life will never be normal again. I try to keep busy, not too busy as made that mistake and ended up ill. I do what suits me, if I want to cry, sleep, go for a walk then I do. The site is very comforting, people understand how you’re feeling and what you’re going through. Take care, sending hugs xx

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Thanks Cce,
Pets are family…
You take care too, and stay on here…as part of our mutual healing…

Hey Jenn23
You stay on here and get our fix too…
Stay surviving…

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Hi Jenn23
Thank you for replying and I am so sorry for your loss. My partner had been poorly for a while but she died of something completely unrelated and it only took a week from start to finish to claim her life. I’m finding that I’m better without any company and I must admit I work hard every day so that I’m worn out at night and can get a little sleep but I can’t carry on like this much longer I know. It’s living but not a life for any of us. Take care

Just do what is right for you, but stay on the site, it is a great support xx

It is still early days for you. Just take it a day at a time or even a breath at a time. I was given some sleeping tablets in the first couple of weeks by my GP. It just helped me get back into a pattern of sleeping in the beginning. I also try to go for a walk each day - fresh air and exercise helps a little. Keep posting - people do understand.