My Grandad Passed Away Unexpectedly

My Grandad passed away on the 6th Feb, and ever since then I haven’t been coping very well, I keep having flashbacks to seeing him and how much I loved him. Yes, he was in his 70s, but he was healthy, and lived at home. Was doing really well and he was just gone. I am unsure of how my Grandma is going to cope because he has been her rock for 60 years, I am going through the stages of grief, it just hurts. This is my first real experience of loss. My family is very close-knit, and I’d aim to see my Grandparents every week, so this just hurts. His funeral is the 10th March so still a bit away, but just waiting is awful, I just wish it was sooner.


Hello @nightmareblues,

I’m Seaneen and I can see that you are new to the community - I’d like to thank you for bravely starting this thread and sharing how you are feeling. I’m so sorry for the loss of your grandad. For many people, like yourself, the death of a grandparent is their first experience of grief. It can be both shocking and unsettling as you navigate through this unknown situation; trying to process your bereavement and its impact on your life. It can also be upsetting to see the effects of your grandparent’s death on your family, and you might be left feeling confused, helpless or guilty as you wonder what you can do to support them through this difficult time.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that might be helpful.

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,