My grieve is runing my relationship

I lost my mum suddenly & unexpectedly almsot 2 weeks ago, im lost, numb, i dont who i am anymore and i dont think i will ever be the same person anymore.

I have a boyfriend who is trying his hardest to be there for me, been so supportive but also not, but thats jsut me pushing him away, being sensitve to everything he says sometimes.

I dont know what the wrong or right thing to do is, as he has said he feels like im pushing him away even when he’s just trying to have a simple conversation with me. He’s been saying all the things hes doing for our future like getting a new job in the city with all our friends nd getting us a nice place to live, so i can join him but i just cried and pushed him away, i cant think that far ahead i cant even think of tomorrow.

I dont know if i should end things so he can carry on as i just cant give him what he wants and i cant be the person who he onces known.

I love him so much but in reality i just want my mum back and nothing else in life.


Hi, sorry for the sudden loss of your Mum. You are in the raw stage of early grief trying to process a huge shock. Don’t be worrying about the impact on your relationship. If your boyfriend is kind and caring he should be able to understand what you’re going through. Explain to him how you’re feeling and that you’re not able to think about future plans at this point. Grief is a hard journey and you will feel different emotions as you adapt to your loss. Keep reaching out and talking about your feelings. There’s lots of support on here. Best wishes xx


Definitely not just you…its so tough

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