My heart is shattered!

I left for a while as I got very upset with everybody’s grief. Its heartbreaking isn’t it? But I feel the need today to post something as i have had a dreadful morning. Can’t stop crying and feel so desperate! And to top it all I received a horrible text message from a family member. I won’t go into detail but it almost destroyed me. How can they do this to me when I am doing my upmost to work through this grief? Its only been six weeks since I lost my husband.


Aw … i dunno how people can be so nasty when youve lost your husband ? Theres some horrible people about ! Just block them ! You’ve enough to deal with xxx


Hi debs right you have more than enough to deal with people like that you dont need in yourlife .Stay on here we will support you xxx


Thank you to you both. I’m so glad you responded. You’re right I should block them. It’s hard enough dealing with the loss.


In any situation people can and sometimes are pretty horrible. In your situation losing the person you love makes you think it’s normal to expect those close to you to be kind and caring and show compassion. Sadly they don’t have a clue as to just how much pain you are in so they don’t really choose their words carefully.
We are like you,we’ve lost someone that we love and feel nothing but pain and sadness so we do understand. I’ve just come back from a walk on the sea front in pouring rain crying my eyes out because my wife isn’t here so my pain tonight is about no one caring enough to call me and ask how I am. Your pain is about someone being pretty nasty to you. We all get support from each other on this forum so try your best to ignore your family member and look after your needs.
Lots of hugs from me.


Thank you @miker for those kind words. I too went for a walk in the rain this evening and cried. I hope the walk in the rain eased the pain a little. We have to take small steps.


Miker took the words out of my mouth, so there isn’t much more to say except we are here for you any time of the day or night and you are not on your own. Take deep breaths.
Hugs, AnnR x


I too haven’t been online for a while as I was trying to cope and stay away from all the sadness. I definitely feel like I was getting better, but the last few weeks have been horrible. I’m crying all over the place - 6 months down the line. I am up and down like a yoyo and tell myself off as I feel I should be o the road to recovery, but I still can’t believe he has gone and I miss him so much. I honestly thought I had no more tears left… xx


I’m also six months down the line and, today, have felt just dreadful, so many tears and utter despair. Some days are not so bad but then down again.
I shall be thankful when it’s time for bed.
Sending hugs.