My husband has a new grandchild

So. I lost my husband in October, and his daughter has just given birth to his granddaughter. I just wish he was here to meet her. His last conversation with his daughter, he said to her that he was sure she would have a girl. And she did. She learnt that it was going to be a girl about a week after he died, so he died not even knowing he was right. I guess I just wish I could have shared all of this with hjm

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Hi Hannah. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. I am in a similar boat to you, but not quite the same. My husband did last July. In August we found out his son, my step son and his wife is expecting and is due any day now. Recently my stepdaughter also found out she is pregnant. It is the most wonderful news and it is lovely to have something good happen. But it is all tinged with sadness, as my husband would have adored being here when this is all happening. He loved children and they loved him and he would have been a fantastic grandad.