My husband peter

Just lost my husband pete on boxing day not really coping at all


Oh my lovely, this is so new and the pain is so strong at the moment. You must be feeling lost.
Go easy on yourself, and take your time. I just wanted to come on here and say how very sad i am t learn of your husbands passing
Sending you gentle hugs.
With love :heart:

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Thank u so much for replying

Hi @Tracy006
So sorry to here about your husband.
Everything is so new and raw very early days. Most people on here understand what that feels like. Some of us are new like yourself some are a bit further on. No matter how much time has passed we all feel the pain grief and loneliness :broken_heart: this new life brings.
I am 8 months on since my husband passed he was 63 and still no two days the same.
I can only say look after yourself.
If you have any help from family and friends take it.
Trying to cope on your own is not easy
Sending hugs and :heart:
Take care


Thank u my husband was only 36 c

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So young
Take care look after yourself
Sending hugs and :heart:
Lynne x

So very sorry for your loss.
Please take good care of yourself and try to take one day at a time let your feelings flow and don’t try to suppress them. I personally find that helping.
Sending big hugs and strength xx

@Tracy006 sorry for your loss tracy, lost mine 4th December last year, he was only 42 :pensive::pensive::pensive: it’s the worst feeling ever, just can’t believe it, shock and denial!

Oh my god, so young. I am truly sorry. You must still be in so much shock and not believing he’s gone. How on earth do you navigate this?
Please reach out, coping alone is not a good idea. Keep talking, although is difficult, it will help you. Do you have children? If you do I know you have to be strong for them, but I hope you have someone who can be strong for you :people_hugging:
I hope you are able to access help but this a great start
Sent with love
Teresa xx

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